
European Commission

Centre of Excellence

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the transformed website of the Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM). Renewal was required by the changing structure of the Institute, the addition of new infrastructure, the Medical Gene Technology Unit, as well as by the establishment and rearrangement of departments. The new design of the website provides an easy access to anyone interested in the structure of the IEM, its various departments, research laboratories and central service facilities. Each research unit describes its mission, the past achievements and current research projects, provides information about the members of the team together with the CVs and lists of publication of the heads of laboratories.

We are committed to supply information also to the non-professionals and the media. The News section presents recent scientific discoveries made in the Institute, with particular attention to those that we believe deserve media attention. These are presented in lay language accessible for journalists and highschool students. Workshops, symposia, seminars to be held in, or organized by, the Institute will also be on display.

Links are maintained to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as well as to the main national and international research organizations in the field of brain research: The Hungarian Neuroscience Society, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO).

We hope to be able to continuously provide you a wealth of up-to-date, interesting and trustworthy information, and thereby tighten our communication links with the general public, the decision-makers, representatives of the media, the young students still trying to find a career, as well as with our fellow scientists working in different disciplines.

Wishing you a pleasant and exciting visit,

Tamás F. Freund, Ph.D.